>> >> International Symposium Held at the Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University

International Symposium Held at the Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University

The Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University held the “International Symposium on Environmental and Life Science” on January 25th, 2021 at Tsushima Campus.
At the symposium, 25 doctor’s course students gave flash talks (introduction of their research outline in a short time in English) and poster sessions. As a result of the examination, WALI Ajimal, PHAM Hoang Son Hung, and SUMINTO Syaefudin were awarded the “Poster Award”.
Finally, Dr. Tanh (An Giang University, Vietnam) gave an invited speech online using Zoom.


Dr. Tanh giving an invited speech


Flash talk


Group Photo