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Elucidation of the mechanism of sex determination drived by resource limitation in plant

◆JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JSPS) "Scientific Research (C)"
◆Leader: Yuko Miyazaki
◆Period: FY2016-FY2018

Sex determination in non-hermaphrodite plants is important for the fitness of each individual. In some plant species, flower sex is determined by their internal resources (e.g. carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorous). However, the mechanism of sex determination is unclear at the gene level. In this project, we use Commelina communis to serch for the mechanism how the internal resources play a role as a signal of sex determination. We also measure the resource limitation in wild population, and try to evaluate the effect of resource limitation on reproductive sucsess.
Elucidation of the mechanism of sex determination drived by resource limitation in plant