
Home > Project > A dynamic study about the solution to immobilized debts of livestock farms(Division of Biological and Human Environment)

A dynamic study about the solution to immobilized debts of livestock farms(Division of Biological and Human Environment)

◆Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
◆Leader: Prof. YOKOMIZO Isao

For the issue of immobilized debts of livestock farms, the role of Special Loans for Livestock (abbreviate it to SLL as follows.) is important. SLL serves as the supplement function of the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle of livestock farms by the Support Meeting as well as the refinancing to the fund of long-term low interest rate. With SLL, there are a lot of livestock farms breaking away from immobilized debts. It is intended to clarify the mechanism to solve immobilized debts by observing the livestock farms that broke away from immobilized debts for three years in this study continually.
In other words, this research will grasp not only the cash-flow quantitatively but also the background as follows;
(1) Management effort, (2) Cooperation of the family, (3) Action of the Support Meeting

A dynamic study about the solution to immobilized debts of livestock farms(Division of Biological and Human Environment)